Ryan Raasch
Ryan has spent two years in Dr. Nenadic’s lab where he received first-hand experience in circuit design and developed his own functional electrical stimulation system. He is currently in his final year in the biomedical engineering undergraduate program at UCI.
Jennifer Toy
Circuit Development
Jennifer is multi-talented biomedical engineer with 4 years of research and industry experience in study designs, data analysis, new product development, and manufacturing. She is skilled in rapid prototyping, programming, and writing.
Xin Yin
Design Development
Xin has expert in 3D modeling and working in a team. A material science engineer, he rapidly designs and develops prototypes for testing and improvement. He is skilled at hands on activities and enjoys cooking.
Jiaheng Lu
Mechanical Testing
Jiaheng is a senior material science engineering student at UCI with an interest in computer science. He is interested in analyzing and visualizing data through python and is good at quantitative reasoning and logical analysis.
Haochong Wang
Sensor Fabrication
Haochong is an excellent speaker and critical thinker who tackles the challenges required in designing products. He studies material science engineering and is a team player who works towards manufacturing. He has an interest in reading and music.